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Auction of Interiors, Coins, Jewellery and Collectors Items.
Venue address
Unit 1
Bath Road Business Centre
Bath Road
Devizes, Wiltshire
SN10 1XA
United Kingdom
Auction of Interiors, Coins, Jewellery and Collectors Items.

Please Note: All Gold Proof Coins are kept offsite, viewing & collection by appointment only, payment for Gold and Jewellery by Bank Transfer only

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Auction dates
Feb 04, 2023 09:30 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Feb 02, 2023 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Feb 03, 2023 12:00 PM - 07:00 PM GMT
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There are 556 lots within this auction
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20th cent. Studio pottery money box in the form of an owl, the slip glaze with a pattern to simulate
40 - 60 GBP
19th cent. Staffordshire flatbacks, two figures depicting Mr Brown (Queen Victoria's companion)
40 - 60 GBP
20th cent. Ceramics: Fieldings Shelley, Royal Winton, Clarice Cliff (A/F), Portmeirion bowls,
40 - 60 GBP
19th and 20th cent. Ladies grooming, eleven perfume bottles, some with hallmarked silver lids and
40 - 60 GBP
20th cent. Ceramics: 1960s Goebel Hummel figurines, Mountaineer, Strolling Along, Happy Days,
40 - 60 GBP
20th cent. Ceramics: 1960s Goebel Hummel figurines Happy Pastime, Little Goat Herder, Eventide,
60 - 80 GBP
20th cent. Ceramics: 1960s Goebel Hummel figurines, She Loves Me She Loves Me Not, Goosegirl,
40 - 60 GBP
Royal Doulton figurines to include Winter HN2088 designed by M. Davis marked Royal Doulton trademark
40 - 60 GBP
20th cent. Capodimonte figure groups, a tramp on a bench, two musicians and an angler at rest,
40 - 50 GBP
Late 19th cent. Parian busts of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, porcelain plaque in a modern
30 - 50 GBP
Photographs: Late 19th cent. Two photograph albums one containing photographs by Trowbridge
40 - 50 GBP
Postcards: Selection of early Edwardian including one depicting Queen Victoria and famous
30 - 50 GBP
Stamps: GB first day covers, six albums containing approx. 450 first day covers from 1980-1988
30 - 50 GBP
Photography Carte de Visite: 19th cent. Album by Parkins & Cotto of Oxford containing fifteen
60 - 80 GBP
Stamps: First day covers, collection of three albums containing more than three hundred first day
40 - 60 GBP
Pastimes: Interesting scrapbook album 1950s photographs of Boy Scout camps, includes an earlier
30 - 50 GBP
19th cent. Album of Carte d'Visite of Victorian families and more formal single images contained
30 - 50 GBP
Photographs: 19th century to 1950s/60s family archive in albums and loose.
30 - 50 GBP
Trade, Tea & Cigarette Cards: Two tins of mainly tea cards and an album of mixed cards including
30 - 40 GBP
Stamps: Large schoolchild collection of World stamps, mainly used in albums, stockbooks, in
40 - 60 GBP
Stamps: GB mint presentation packs, two hundred in five albums with dates ranging from late 1970s up
150 - 200 GBP
Stamps: Two albums of mainly mint GB unmounted stamps early 20th to 21st cent. Plus a World album of
50 - 80 GBP
Stamps: Stockbook and album containing many unused George VI and Elizabeth II including unusual
30 - 50 GBP
Stamps: Three albums of World stamps mix of 19th and 20th cent. Mainly used stamps.
30 - 50 GBP
Postcards: Edwardian and later, mainly GB topographical with some European. Edwardian actors/
30 - 50 GBP
Silver and costume jewellery to include modern hallmarked silver picture frame, white metal rope
30 - 50 GBP
Numismatics: GB Treasury Loan Interest Coupons, seventeen 9½% coupons on £100 bond at £4.75 each,
200 - 300 GBP
Postcards: Album containing ninety-five Edwardian Valentine and Tucks oilette colour cards.
30 - 50 GBP
Postcards: Album containing approximately eighty Edwardian cards featuring stills from theatre and
30 - 50 GBP
Film Stars: Collection of postcards showing stars from the Golden Age of Cinema including Vivien
30 - 50 GBP
Stamps: GB 1867, SG120b, 2/- milky blue, plate 1 (QC), perforated, clipped perfs SW corner. Plus
80 - 120 GBP
Stamps: GB 1867, SG112 10d, red brown, plate 1, WM 33, lightly cancelled.
60 - 80 GBP
Stamps: GB 1867-74, SG127 5/- pale rose, unable to determine plate number but obliterated with May
200 - 300 GBP
Stamps: GB 1840, unstamped used Mulready envelope cancelled by red Maltese Cross. One quatrefoil
60 - 80 GBP
Stamps: GB 1840, SG4, 2d deep blue (GI), three good margins top thinned, WM 2 obliterated by black
150 - 200 GBP
Stamps: GB 1840, SG2 1d black (SA) believed to be plate 2, four margins WM 2 obliterated by red
80 - 120 GBP
Stamps: GB 1840 SG2 1d black (TC) believed to be plate 5, three good margins RH thinned, WM 2
60 - 80 GBP
Stamps: GB 1840, SG1 1d intense black (ND) believed to be plate 8, three good margins bottom very
60 - 80 GBP
Stamps: GB Victorian and early 20th cent. Presentation packs Westminster and Connoisseur
60 - 80 GBP
Militaria: Good collection of Wiltshire Regiment and other mostly military related cards,
100 - 150 GBP
Militaria: Archive of ephemera mostly certificates and photographs relating to Sergeant McDougall of
50 - 80 GBP
Wiltshire Interest: Rare collection of mostly 1920s photographs and postcards relating to
30 - 50 GBP
Autographs/Militaria: Archive of photographs relating to W.O 2. Charles Shirley of Wiltshire
70 - 120 GBP
Cricket: Fascinating archive of paperwork dating from 1958 relating to the mechanics of Yorkshire
200 - 300 GBP
Ephemera: Collection of WWI and later sheet music plus promotional poster for The Army Show Canada's
40 - 60 GBP
Militaria: Wiltshire Regiment WWII Territorial Long Service group of four to W.O 2. Charles
150 - 250 GBP
Militaria: Fascinating archive collection of Wiltshire Regiment sports and formal photographs dating
60 - 100 GBP
Antique Firearms: Muzzle loading percussion pistol by William Parker of London c1810, inscribed on
700 - 900 GBP
Mid 20th cent. Ephemera: German cigarette cards and booklets, book 'Aus Deutschlands Dogelwelt',
50 - 80 GBP
Militaria: Third Reich 1930s silver plated circular lids with engraved LAH to each. The LAH refers
100 - 150 GBP
Militaria: Early 20th cent. WWI metal helmet with liner and webbing chin strap, pistol holster,
60 - 80 GBP
Militaria: WWI Pte. Lionel Lewis Honourable Discharge Certificate to Glos, Wilts. 2nd Regt.
30 - 50 GBP
Maritime Art: Sailors wool work picture H.M.S. Achilles 1880 in a central panel surrounded by
80 - 120 GBP
Militaria: HRH Henry Duke of Gloucester letter - Christmas card to General Ralph Eastwood, receipt
50 - 80 GBP
20th cent. Ceramics: Nursery tea sets, Crested ware, Bath step candlesticks, vases, Wells Savoy
50 - 70 GBP
Militaria/Politics: Interesting letter from Reverend Lumley, dated 1st October 1938, to Neville
60 - 80 GBP
Militaria/World War Two: Emotive Post Office telegram to G.W. Neston relating to the death of his
50 - 70 GBP
Photograph-Third Reich Militaria: Adolph Hitler November 1923, Bear Hall Putsch Munich, rare
300 - 500 GBP
Militaria: Wiltshire Regiment WWI Private F. Fortune 25961 pair plus cap badges, T.A and B.L.
150 - 200 GBP
Sir Winston Churchill: Blue leather bound album with pencil inscription on inside cover 'Royal
500 - 800 GBP