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Auction of Antiques, Fine Art and Collectables.
Venue address
Unit 1
Bath Road Business Centre
Bath Road
Devizes, Wiltshire
SN10 1XA
United Kingdom
Auction of Antiques, Fine Art and Collectables.

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Auction dates
Sep 17, 2022 09:30 AM BST
Viewing dates
Sep 13, 2022 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Sep 14, 2022 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Sep 15, 2022 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Sep 16, 2022 12:00 PM - 07:00 PM BST
Sep 17, 2022 08:30 AM - 09:30 AM BST
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There are 526 lots within this auction
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Jewellery: Yellow metal pair of single 6mm cultured pearl studs with screw fittings, stamped 14K,
60 - 80 GBP
Corkscrews/Wine Collectibles Advertising: Late 19th/early 20th cent. White metal and early
50 - 80 GBP
Corkscrews/Wine Collectibles: Early 20th cent. White metal warthog/boar tusk handled corkscrew steel
40 - 60 GBP
19th cent. French silver campaign picnic set - comprising cup with turned treen handle, folding fork
500 - 600 GBP
Corkscrews/Wine Collectibles: Art Nouveau celluloid handled 'Waiter's Friend' Archimedean screw, two
30 - 40 GBP
Corkscrew/Wine Collectibles: French Chatelaine in bright cut steel, 4 hangers, instruments include a
150 - 200 GBP
Corkscrews/Wine Collectibles: Steel tool screw. Early 17th cent. European multiple uses, ornate
1,500 - 2,500 GBP
Corkscrews/Wine Collectibles: Silver, gilt and gold Chatelaine, the gold section tests 18ct. gold
600 - 800 GBP
Ancient Coinage: Byzantine Eastern Empire copper denominations including Head of Christ, Phocas - 40
80 - 100 GBP
British Coinage: George V 1912 full Sovereign.
250 - 300 GBP
Gold Coinage: Edward VII 1906 half sovereign.
120 - 150 GBP
British Coinage: George V Wreath Coin 1929, plus Victoria 1889 double florin and Jubilee head
90 - 120 GBP
Medals & Decorations: 19th cent. The Photographic Society of India silver prize medal designed and
80 - 120 GBP
Olympic Games: 1908 pewter gilt Participation Medal, on the obverse is a Greek quadriga with the
300 - 500 GBP
Medals: Silver gilt hallmarked medal from Kings Cross Church to Commemorate Work and Sacrifice in
150 - 180 GBP
Medals: European Renaissance medal attributed to Carradosso Foppa (1452-1527). The medal is dated
300 - 500 GBP
British Coinage: Circulated Maundy half silver and Cupro George V through to Elizabeth Half Crown to
50 - 80 GBP
British Coinage: Victoria 1900 Crown, Queen Mother Sterling 90th Birthday Medal, 1951 George VI
30 - 50 GBP
Numismatics: Coins, World. Two albums containing more than four hundred coins in plastic sleeves
50 - 80 GBP
Numismatics: Coins, Commonwealth and GB. Two albums, one containing one hundred and sixty
60 - 80 GBP
Numismatics: Banknotes GB Royal Bank of Scotland. £1 (2), £5, £10 notes. Castle Series (4), Bank
30 - 50 GBP
Numismatics: banknotes GB £20 notes. Page, Gill and Kentfield. William Shakespeare and Michael
70 - 100 GBP
Numismatics: Banknotes GB £10 notes. Page, Somerset, Kentfield and Lowther. Florence Nightingale,
50 - 70 GBP
Numismatics: Banknotes GB £1 and £5 notes. Page and Somerset, Isaac Newton £1 notes (4). Lowther
60 - 80 GBP
Numismatics: Banknotes, an album containing thirty eight World notes including Mozambique 100
30 - 50 GBP
Numismatics: GB Presentation Packs, Royal Mint Proof sets, coins for the New Millennium 2000, 2005
80 - 120 GBP
Late 19th cent. Chinese silk embroidery cats and trees, framed, C.E. Punsford Fine Art Dealer
40 - 60 GBP
Oriental: Set of six seer measuring cups in copper with brass banding. Sizes from 1/64 to half a
40 - 60 GBP
Japanese: Late 19th cent. Satsuma bowl with crimped edge the interior decorated with wading birds,
40 - 60 GBP
18th cent. Japanese Arita porcelain plates Edo period decorated in underglaze blue, iron red and
100 - 150 GBP
Brass and black lacquer Asian style bowl. Dia. 8ins. Height 3ins. Plus another Asian style bowl in
60 - 80 GBP
20th cent. Chinese green jadeite carved Immortal figurine, height 4¼ins.
40 - 60 GBP
Oriental Ceramics: Two Japanese squat vases decorated with women and children in a rural scene, both
40 - 60 GBP
Late 18th cent. Chinese famille rose bowl decorated with a bird amongst flowers and branches,
60 - 80 GBP
Chinese: K'ang-hsi period (Kang-Xi) tea bowl and saucer, blue and white floral pattern (
150 - 250 GBP
18th cent. Chinese export blue and white coffee pot and cover with building and landscape decoration
200 - 300 GBP
Asian Collectibles: Small oriental doll with bisque head and hands, lacquer box with gilt decoration
40 - 50 GBP
20th cent. Chinese Yixing pottery teapot with calligraphy decoration, seal mark to base.
30 - 40 GBP
Chinese/Asian Porcelain & Pottery: Includes Guangxu mark and period dinner plate 9¼ins, two rice
60 - 80 GBP
Chinese 18th cent. Blue and white porcelain shaped tureen and cover with a pomegranate handle to the
80 - 120 GBP
Chinese: Nyonya Straits porcelain small bowl decorated with a Phoenix among flowers, red character
60 - 80 GBP
Chinese: Early 20th cent. Nyonya Straits porcelain covered jar decorated with poly chrome flowers on
60 - 80 GBP
Late 19th/early 20th cent. Chinese lacquer wedding basket, plus a faux wickerwork example with
50 - 70 GBP
19th cent. Cantonese Famille Rose bulbous vase with narrow neck, two panels with figures, floriate
200 - 300 GBP
Oval serpentine dish with chrysanthemums and auspicious symbols.
100 - 150 GBP
20th cent. Decorative Ceramics: Carltonware blue lustre 'Persian' bowl. 9ins dia.
60 - 90 GBP